23.11.2019 Tarihinde Bakü Azerbaycan' daki okulların kurucu olduğu projeye dahil olduk.
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Bakü Azerbaycan, Amman Ürdün, İrbid Ürdün, Samsun Türkiye, İstanbul Türkiye, Fayedh Tunus ve Kocaeli Türkiye
Though we are living in the world which is considered to be tolerant and caring, the human rights are still being abused. The Convention on the Rights of the Child was signed 30 years ago, in 1989 and contains 54 articles. Sadly enough, most of the articles are not followed and children still need to be protected from the violance we face daily. This project is aimed at raising the public awarness about the issue, focusing mainly on the teenage students. Within the frames of the project, we are going to discuss how the rights of the children are violated around the globe and what measures can be taken to attract the public interest to these issues. The partners wishing to join the project will oraganise discussions and debates in their schools and hold Skype conferences to share their ideas.